
number 103

Its Ok Thursdays

today, i'm linking up with neely for it’s her weekly “it’s okay thursday”. i'm having one of those funky weeks where i just need to remind myself that i'm not crazy.

it’s SO okay that…

…before i'lll buy something new, i check to see if it’s on ebay.
…i'm addicted to playing temple run on my phone.
…my hair is in a ponytail today because i wanted to sleep longer.
…i'd rather buy cheaper food than organic/unprocessed food.
…i'd rather have cats than children – right now.
…i'm tempted to give up on the house hunt and just buy a car instead.
…we’ve only had a home-cooked meal once this week.
…i've been scouring craigslist every. single. day. for a campaign dresser.
…at 26, i still love fast food.
…i keep a separate browser open on social media all day (am i the only one?).
…sometimes i just want to link up instead of doing an original post.

what’s okay with you today?

1 comment:

Established: 2008 said...

I've been rocking the ponytail a lot lately. I need my sleep! Found you through Neely!

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