

back to back weeks! lucky you!

2 6  W E E K S

  • how far along? 26 weeks
  • baby size: a coconut - how is that bigger than a large cucumber? these things make me question how much i should rely on this app for actual stats about my growing baby.
  • total weight gain/loss? i haven't weighed this week, but let's be positive and say i've only gained a pound since last week. i read online this week that kim k has already gained 52 lbs with her current pregnancy and still has 6 weeks to go, so there's that.
  • maternity clothes? yes! my maxi dress worked out beautifully last weekend, and i'm excited to wear it again this week for our holiday pictures with the schultzes!! we could be wearing paper bags, and i'm confident that this duo would make us look good - so pumped!
  • stretch marks? no! i've been diligent about applying my coconut oil and the belly stays super soft all the time. it seems to keep the itchiness at bay too.
  • sleep? i'm learning to cope without. last night, i said "why not?" and threw all of my pillows in the floor [minus the one under my head] and it really made no difference in terms of relieving back or hip pain. overall, i'd actually say i slept better because i wasn't having to rearrange the pillow fort every time i rolled over. 
  • best moment this week? spending time with old friends and having a blast dancing sober [not a joke]. someone actually told me i might dance my baby out. uh, thanks for the tip, girlfriend.
  • miss anything? sushi - i saw a really pretty article this week showing pictures of lots of gorgeous, raw sushi and it just made me realize that fully cooked tuna just isn't that exciting. 
  • movement? lots. sometimes i think, "what are you doing in there, baby?" i'm sure that's a pretty common mama thought.
  • food cravings? have i said bagels yet? i should note that i'm averaging about 2 a week from einstein's. 
  • anything making you queasy or sick? eating too much. i did randomly get sick after the wedding saturday night, but only once, and i'm thinking the 4 pieces of pie i sampled had something to do with that. 
  • have you started to show yet? ...
  • gender: a GIRL! oh wait, just kidding. all blue!
  • labor signs: the closer i get to the end of this, the more i like to pretend i won't actually have to deliver the baby [only halfway kidding]
  • belly button in or out? depends on which angle you're looking at it. lets say, 't's in a neutral position. it's switzerland.
  • nursery: lots of progress! done: glider, dresser, rug, curtains, curtain rod, crib. to do: seal up 2nd doorway into kitchen [silly old houses], bookshelves for the wall, any other small random things we decide to add
  • symptoms: heartburn like a mother.
  • mood: positive, except when i get in bed at night and realize i've been complaining about my various ailments all day [general fatness, backaches, hip soreness, etc.] good thing andrew loves me.
  • workouts: 2 this week! gotta earn those bagels and milkshakes somehow. something tells me those don't quite even out...
  • looking forward to: a beautiful baby shower this weekend for a sweet friend and our undoubtedly gorgeous pictures on sunday! 
a new belly pic [because everyone wants to see that, right? not.]:

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