

i'm on a roll! we were super productive last night. the whole house is cleaner than it's been since we moved into it in 2012, and it's all for my in-laws. haha mostly true! andrew's parents are coming to town this weekend to help install a dishwasher in the kitchen [hallelujah] and if time permits, some additional projects to be completed around the house. we're losing 2 cabinets and 2 drawers in our already tiny kitchen which means we had a ton of items that needed new homes. i was totally shocked at how much excess we had accumulated in that tiny space and purged SO much unused/expired food, containers and even small appliances! we seriously have more space now than before i started cleaning. the best part - once that "nesting" bug bites, the kitchen will already be crossed off my list!!

2 7  W E E K S

  • how far along? 27 weeks
  • baby size: an acorn squash
  • total weight gain/loss? i was brave and weighed earlier this week and was shocked to see i was 16 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. i didn't chance it by weighing in again.
  • maternity clothes? yes, but not ALL maternity. i bought this super cute top [looks better on me, IMO] from anthro today that i plan on sporting at thanksgiving!
  • stretch marks? none! fingers crossed that they stay away!
  • sleep? pretty bad. my hips have been hurting lots this week, and i'm about ready to throw in the towel and try a pregnancy pillow
  • best moment this week? getting our gorgeous pictures back from the shultzes, ordering our christmas cards, and receiving an invitation for my first baby shower
  • miss anything? cookie dough. andrew bought a huge roll last weekend and it's been taunting me from the fridge.
  • movement? lots - he's most active at night once i get still and settled!
  • food cravings? sweets! having that dough in the fridge means a couple of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies every night! too bad the cursed glucose test is monday. ah! 
  • anything making you queasy or sick? no, but my morning coffee does seem to make my heartburn worse *tear*
  • have you started to show yet? nah. 
  • gender: BOY!
  • labor signs: getting larger. this is a sign that labor is to come - without a doubt. 
  • belly button in or out? out! eek! depending on how much i eat. it was definitely peeking out during our pictures on sunday. i'm seriously considering photoshopping it.
  • nursery: making more progress this week! if there's time, andrew and his dad will work on sealing up the random doorway that leads from the kitchen to the nursery. can't wait to see how much our home changes after this weekend!
  • symptoms: heartburn, hip pain and a little round ligament pain
  • mood: a little emotional, not going to lie. i've cried [or been on the edge] more times this week than i have my whole pregnancy. maybe it's the holidays?
  • workouts: one body pump class on tuesday and my huge kitchen cleaning session last night [that totally counts!]
  • looking forward to: andrew's parents' visit and THANKSGIVING! oh my gosh, the FOOD! and i guess, [hopefully] passing my glucose test on monday so i have free reign on the food on thursday!
my weekly pic [looking super sleepy from a long night of backaches]. so funny, i compared this to my 20 week picture in the same shirt and look quiiiite a bit larger.

and a few ones from our shoot with the shultzes this past weekend. only minorly obsessed...

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