

A little behind, seeing that James is almost 8 months old now. Where does the time go? August and September were busy with parties, a new school and vacation. Our little baby is growing into a little boy right before our eyes. His personality shines and he is still the happiest, smiliest baby I've ever seen. Getting James to laugh is pretty easy - he's very ticklish and loves it when anyone makes a funny face or noise.

FAVORITES: bath time, "standing up" while holding your hands, the exersaucer, playing the drums, playing the piano, being tickled, swinging, favorite stuffed animal is still puppy, razbaby teether [love!]

DISLIKES: After a week-long vacation, we had a minor adjustment period where he disliked being the center of attention [insert rolling eye emoji].

SLEEP: Still a good napper at home [~1 hour in the morning and 1.5-2 in the afternoon] and getting better at school, usually an awesome sleeper at night [7pm - 6:30am in the crib], but had 1 night after returning from vacation where we did a little drive around the neighborhood at 1am to calm a teething baby

SCHOOL: We made the switch to James's new school and definitely like the convenience of the location. I've been able to stroll him to and from school since it's only about a 10 minute walk. His class size is bigger [10-11 babies], but he's adjusted SO well!

VISITS AND PARTIES: We visited Danville and Greensboro and attended his first football party. We also had our first family vacation to Isle of Palm, SC [pictures below!]

TYPICAL SCHEDULE: 6:45am wake up 7oz bottle, 8:30am breakfast solids, 10am 7oz bottle, 11am nap, 12pm lunch solids, 1pm bottle, 1:30pm nap, 4pm bottle, 6:30 bath, 6:45pm bottle, 7pm bedtime

7 MONTH MILESTONES: army crawling, "standing" assisted, new solid foods [pears, zucchini, carrots] , saying "mama" but only when he's wining

7 MONTH STATS: [at 6.5 month appointment] 17lbs 9oz, 26.75", size 3 diapers, 9-12 month clothes

Now...for the beach photo dump. Andrew gave me a fancy new camera as an early birthday present, and I've had so much fun learning the ins and outs of amateur photography. It's so hard not to want to capture every move this squishy baby makes, but looking back through these pictures, I feel I should say that my parents and brother were also with us on vacation. Note to self: take pictures of the adults too. 

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