
number 92

woo hoo! a full work week just makes the last day of it SO much sweeter. i've had a fabulous week, so i've decided to link up with lauren over at "from my grey desk" for her weekly high five for friday link partay!

1 | i'm starting to play golf (and i think i'm pretty good!) i grew up with my brother -- who played at the college level for a bit -- trying to teach me proper golf techniques only to find that i would spend the entirety of our lesson 'whiffing' the ball or to have it dribble a few feet in front of me. i purchased a $30 set of women's clubs last year at a yard sale with the intention of mastering the sport of a decent drive and maybe, if i'm lucky, be good at 1 sport in my entire life. the point of all this is that last saturday, andrew and i went to the driving range, for the first time with my yard sale clubs, and i was AWESOME! i was hitting drives longer than i ever have before! so tomorrow, we're taking my new found talent to the golf course. don't get excited - just 9 holes. i get cranky after 7...

2 | my brother (mentioned above) is moving to charlotte!!! i could not be more excited! he recently accepted a job in uptown charlotte, and i could not be more excited for him! i may or may not have been sending him obnoxious emails filled with craigslist apartment ads every day. what kind of big sister would i be if i didn't make sure he was taken care of? mom would be so proud!

3 | midwood smokehouse for dinner tonight!

4 | Easter is next weekend! i'm more excited than usual about this holiday because i gave up diet coke for lent. you can guess what beverage i'll be ordering for lunch after church!

5 | i start full time hours at my web design job on monday! since last may, i've been straddling 2 part-time jobs (and some singing on the weekends), and even though i'm sad to leave 1 behind, i'll be so happy to have a normal 9-5 schedule. plus, i love my job - which is so rare in these days!

head on over to lauren's blog and check out her sister, kate's, as well. both adorable gals!

happy weekend!

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