
number 151

if you know me in real life, chances are you’ve heard me brag about my family. i do it often. now, obviously my opinion is biased, but i really do believe i have the best of the best! not only was i born into an amazing family, but i married into one as well! i could go on and on…but this post is for one family member in particular: my mom. she deserves a post every day of the year for being so awesome, but today especially! why? it’s her birthdayyy!

her nickname around our house is “happy girl”. she always has a smile on her face – and not in the stepford kind of way. she genuinely is happy the majority of the time! she’s not high maintenance or hard to please – just what you want in a best gal pal. my mom and i are extremely close. a day that i don’t talk to her at least twice is a rare occurrence. i'm sure my phone calls will double when the day comes that we have kids (still far away). she’s definitely in the top 5 list of my favorite people  - i'm sure most who meet her would say the same! she’s a great friend, mother, wife, sister, advisor, and margarita buddy! i love my mom. today, on her birthday, and every day.




Annie said...

Aww Happy Birthday to your Mama!

PS - I'm a new follower! I saw you commented on April's blog about our dinner the other night! :)

Jess at Just Rainbows and Butterflies said...

I love reading posts about families especially because mine is so far away and it makes me whip out my phone to give them a ring. Hope you had a wonderful vacay and so glad I found your blog tonight! Its so happy and cheerful!


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