
number 23

i think i owe it to my perfect weekend to devote a blog post to it. this weekend we celebrated july 4th at the wyatt's! saturday was filled with slip 'n slides, strawberry ice cream (homemade!!), and summer yard games. andrew and his dad manufactured an adult and kid friendly slip and slide that stretched over 75 feet and ended with a big pool of freeeezing water! yes, i did go down it!

we had SUCH a good time. my family got to spend some time with andrew's, and jack spent time napping. yes, he is always that cute. jack made friends with andrew's poodle nephew pierre, too! since the pups were present, there were no fireworks at the wyatt house. i know you're thinking, "what's the fourth without fireworks!?", but as andrew and i came back to my house saturday evening, we were able to stop and see the fireworks from downtown danville in the horizon - a great way to end the holiday!

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