

this past weekend was one of the most fun weekends i've had in a looong time! the older i get, the more i appreciate a low-key weekend with great friends and wonderful family. my dad’s newest hobby is brewing beer, and since he had 2 little kegs ready at the same time, we decided to celebrate a successful brew with a crawfish boil! the weather was gorgeous, the beer was delicious, and the crawdads were spicy – all elements that add up to a perfect afternoon! here are a few of my favorite shots from the shindig:

IMAG1210the eligible bachelor

IMAG1211still alive and pinchin’

IMAG1213this is only a little bit. we had 50lbs of crawdads!


IMG_1392pretty/sweet/awesome lori beth

IMG_3347my handsome husband

IMG_9655sweet sweet charlotte girlfriends, chelsea and kristy
(awesome hurr stylists in charlotte @ t.reid – give ‘em a call!)

imageoh, and jack got plenty of attention. i promise he's really loving it!

Untitled-1our gracious hosts/the best parents ever

p.s. special thanks to chelsea for letting me steal a bunch of her pics for this post! xoxo


Lobster Meets Peach said...

Looks like you had a great time! May I ask where you got that sweet cute dress? I just love it!

Whitney said...

I've never had crawfish like this before! I love your hair, it looks great!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

What a great weekend!!

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