

WOO HOO! it's friday! this week has blown by for me. and no, it's not because i had monday off [because i didn't]. it's just been one of those weeks that's been nonstop. regardless, i'm happy to see friday and to have a couple days off to relax. i'm popping in today to link up with some of my favorites [christina, darci, april, & natasha] for five on friday!
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#1 food. this week is charlotte's restaurant week! usually andrew and i will have 2 or 3 reservations throughout the week - gorging ourselves on charlottes finest cuisine. this time, we're hosting some friends on saturday night and decided to treat them to one of our new favorite uptown restaurants, aria. we went there in december when my Nana was in town, and i can't stop daydreaming about their wild mushroom risotto.
#2 healing. andrew unfortunately had to go through some minor oral surgery on tuesday, so i've been playing nurse most of the week. actually, that's a lie. he's pretty self-sufficient. BUT wednesday, i whipped up some of christina’s enchilada soup, and i'm pretty sure that's assisted in his quick recovery!
#3 tv. earlier this week, andrew and i snuggled up and watched the first 2 episodes of hbo's true detective and are hooked! we agreed that it's very "silence of the lambs"esque. adding it to our beloved hbo sunday night lineup.
#4 lists. i just need to make a list. "my brain has too many tabs open" is about how i'm feeling right now. last night, i was a little overwhelmed with thoughts of things i "should" be doing in my life/job/home. sometimes, it's necessary to write it all down, so they're not clogging your brain and taking up that valuable space meant for loved ones and happy times. am i right?
 photo five-on-friday-5_zpsc3cc1f69.jpg babies. i've got a few good friends that have babies in their lives - whether they're expecting one or have been toting one on the hip for a year or so. although andrew and i aren't quite ready to take the plunge into parenthood, it's SO fun living vicariously through them. by fun i mean, nursery décor and registries, not the scary i'm-raising-a-tiny-human and changing messy diapers stuff... we’ll save that discussion for another day.



JMO said...

I've seen so many people post about the restaurant week- I wish our area had something similar!! I agree with your #5 for sure ;) Happy weekend to you both!!

BLovedBoston said...

Mushroom risotto sounds delish!! Enjoy the weekend :)

Zelle B. said...

Enjoy your weekend and your dinner!(which sounds amazing by the way) Stay warm!

Unknown said...

I love aria - so jealous that you are going this weekend! I'm with you on the list-making... I'd be lost with out my lists, it's definitely how I stay "organized"! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!!

April of Smidge Of This said...

Ooooh, Aria is going to be SO very good. Y'all enjoy and let me know how it is!

sara [at] journey of doing said...

My brain totally has too many tabs open ALL THE TIME. I have found that list making totally helps me. Sometimes you just have to get it all out!

Whitney H said...

Charlotte Restaurant Week is my fav! We went to so many places when we lived there. I totally know what you mean about babies. I'm the exact same way!

amanda @ as the wine cork turns said...

I had aria too! So awesome.

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