
number 46

ive been such a horrible blogger! i'll admit it myself!! i'll blame it on the fact that i couldn't blog before december 1st without talking about christmas! with that said:


please, be our guest - take a tour of our christmas-y home.

i'm very proud of my :[first]: tree, ask anyone who's visited.

fluffy topper!

my unfinished centerpiece (using lots of wedding crystal!)...and the mural.

that's about all i have for christmas decor. our place isn't all that big - too much christmas could be overkill.

you have my word that i WILL blog again tomorrow - i've got some big news! don't get too excited, we all remember my last news, and andrew and i have a long LONG timeline as far as little ones go...

in the meantime, i've been busy painting some new ornaments, be sure to check out my facebook profile to see pics!

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