
number 123

sore to the core. oh my, i might not make it through the day. after a super-tough weight training class on tuesday, followed by the "i'm not gonna give up just because i'm sore" workout last night, my arms, legs, and entire backside region hate my guts right now.

the main reason (along with it's friends) i haven't stuck with working out in the past is because i have a huge issue with working my butt off for days on end and not seeing results. i'm an instant gratification kind of person. i know these things take time and perseverance, but i'm struggling...already. and i have a really low pain tolerance; no joke, i'm a weenie. i know this sorenes is my workout's way of saying, "look, laura, i'm working!" anyway, this is me, in a nutshell, this morning.
Funny Confession Ecard: I've injured myself yawning.
and another thing...what's the deal with girls dressing UP to go to the gym? i see it every day. in all honesty, is it for themselves or to impress others? andrew and i went to the gym at 8:30 last night, after rush hour. mostly everyone there was the average not too fit, not too fat: really no one overly impressive. there was a girl who sauntered in after us with her hair down [and fixed] and perfume/body spray that i could smell 2 bikes over. that's just a little much, in my opinion. and the way she sashayed on the elliptical was just the cherry on top. but alas, i guess when i get my hot bod, i'll dress up to go to the gym too. if, for nothing else, than to say "hey, look at my hot bod, and my awesome gym clothes". bitter? maybe a little.

even though it’s not true, this is how i feel today:
Funny Confession Ecard: I can't return to the gym until I lose some weight.
what is your gym pet peeve?


Emily said...

ugh i hate people who want to chat.

April of Smidge Of This said...

Haha, it drives me batty to see girls with their hair down at the gym ... come on, we all know that can't be comfortable! Put the beauty aside for 30-60 minutes and rock the high ponytail.

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