
number 163

i've mentioned before how much i really enjoy web/graphic design, and i really do enjoy sharing these talents/fun facts/boring stats with others. (sometimes without their consent!) i've learned so much in the past few years, and would love to start sharing some tidbits that have helped me along the way. i give you – for lack of a better title – mousy monday! like a computer mouse? sure!
…so you’ve been asked to do a guest post!
congrats! you must be pretty interesting! i didn’t have the slightest idea how to coordinate a guest post with someone until recently. so let’s get started…
  1. upload any images you’ll use in your post onto photobucket or another free photo sharing program. this will ensure that your photos are viewable - even from another blogger’s account
  2. log into blogger using YOUR account information and compose your post as you normally would using direct links, provided by photobucket, for inserting your photos
  3. once you’re finished, click the “HTML” tab in the top left corner of your post editor – your post WILL turn to a ton of jumbled code, but don’t fret! (see below!) now, copy all of that code.guest-post
  4. open a text editor on your computer (Word, Notepad, etc.), and paste the copied code into the editor
  5. save the text file, and email it to your bloggy friend!
the blogger hosting the guest posts should know what to do, but if not: it’s a simple case of working the above steps backwards. they would…
  1. create a new post in their blogger account
  2. copy the html code sent from the guest blogger
  3. click over to the “HTML” tab in the post editor, and paste the code
  4. flip back to adjust any necessary formatting
  5. publish!
see? sooooo much easier than having to exchange passwords (eeek!) or add contributors (eeeeeek!). i hope this tutorial answers some lingering questions, or maybe makes you have that “OHHHHH, so that’s how you do it!” moment! if so, let me know!
ok, so now that you’ve listened to me drone on about html codes and the like, is this something that you’re interested in hearing more about? would you like me to continue on my path to more mousy mondays? if so, please leave a comment below, and i'll keep ‘em comin!


Unknown said...

I HAVE actually always wondered how guest posts worked, because I was pretty sure people weren't just handing their passwords out left and right. So you've taught at least one person something! I am actually interested in learning some more about things like this, as I've been thinking recently that I should try and be a little more creative with my blogging. I worry sometimes [all the time] that I'm too boring, so more tips like this are very helpful for me. So yes, you have at least one interested student!

[what ever happened to Take Me There Tuesday? I liked that one, too]

love you!

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

I love hearing about tips and tricks that I can actually understand. I would love for you to continue this!

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