
number 64

yay yay! i’m trying, really- i’m just not so good anymore with the consistent blog posts. i’ve been busy applying for jobs and trying to shake my cabin fever. however, i was too excited about what i’m loving wednesday not to do a quick little post!


today, im LOVING that the rest of my week is filled with visits from loved ones! tomorrow, my mom, friday, my dad, and sunday, andrew’s longtime friend, andy!

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i’m LOVING that tomorrow, mom and i are planning on exploring new areas of town, scavenging vintage stores and Goodwill for some cheap patio finds, and eating delicious food, no doubt about that. hopefully we’ll find something along the lines of these:


i think these look really comfy for metal chairs and have a really quirky feel. this weekend, the temperature is supposed to be in the low 70’s (hello spring!) Therefore, outside recess will be mandatory! i LOVE it!


i’m loving our orange kitty, bang. over the past couple of weeks, he’s been ‘fetching’ these little furry toy mice. no really, we throw the mouse, and he brings it back! it’s really funny, and pretty freaking adorable.


i’m LOVING this blog: her layouts are so fresh and her taste is very similar to my own. it’s been a recent discovery and i look forward to reading new posts every day! hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as i have!

along with every other middle schooler in america, i’m LOVING glee. last night’s episode made me really happy. my nana even loves it!

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imageand i think dianna agron is the prettiest of pretty.

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ok. im going to wrap it up. ive got another blog post up my sleeve for later this week. i can’t spoil it all mid-week.

lastly, i’m LOVING my handsome husband because i got a TON of chocolate for valentine’s day and i’m enjoying every piece!


number 63

after a fun weekend back in virginia, our bags are unpacked, the laundry is drying, and the place smells like a cajun dream. i’m no expert in the kitchen, and i get really excited when something i make actually turns out GOOD! i’m a big fan of slow-cooker/crock pot recipes – anytime i can let something else do the work, i’m up for it!

so here’s the yummy (and healthy) low country cuisine that’s smelling up my apartment: red beans and rice! mmm! first, i started out with this recipe, then i quickly realized that i used more seasoning previously and added a teaspoon of paprika, thyme, and a bay leaf for good measure.

try it out, i think you’ll be pleased! and if anyone has any tips on cutting onions, sent them my way!


number 62

how is it that celebrity candid photos look like they just woke up, threw on “whatever” and somehow make it look stylish enough that i want to copy it? is it that every item they own is THAT stylish, so everything they put on just looks fantastic?  i understand that there definitely are exceptions this theory, but this is what i mean:

Reese-Out-in-Brentwood-reese-witherspoon-9505026-890-1222   img-004

ok, so maybe reese is the only celebrity in my theory because she really does ALWAYS looks great. i realize that this “i don’t really care, i just threw on things in hopes that they look good together” is my current style and it’s not working for me so much. yes, i’m in a style funk. revamping my wardrobe isn’t going to be something i can swing while i’m “between jobs”, but i can get my game plan together.

does anyone have any suggestions for great style blogs? or a fashion version of copy cat chic? i understand that i can’t wear forever 21 forever (hah, despite its ironic name), and  i’ll have to break down and spend a little on some important staples – maybe some tory burch flats or a great pair of jeans. and maybe once i have a new job, that won’t be such a shock to my wallet.

so here we go: help! send me links! i need a little guidance on my new endeavor. i’d like to keep the anthropologie-jcrew-modcloth feel that i strive for now, just amped up.


number 61

if you’ve noticed that my blog header has changed in the past day and thought to yourself “laura doesn’t live in a big city” you would be mistaken. as of saturday, andrew and i are proud to be residents of charlotte, north carolina!! we spent the weekend getting settled in and acclimated to our new place and basically falling in love with our new town.


without having a job yet, i’ve had a lot of time on my hands to explore my surroundings and my mind has been hooked on interior decorating. since we’re renting, i’ve decided that in hopes of saving some time and effort, i won’t be painting the walls. we painted our last apartment and LOVED it, but were only around to enjoy it for a little over a year. without the paint, i’m now on the hunt now for chic design on a budget. enter copy cat chic. go there now.

and since i’ve been looking forward to this all through my blogging hiatus, i’m linking up to join in on the fun with


YAY! i’m SO excited! my list is going to seem really mundane to most, but they’re all small luxuries that i’ve been living without for the past year+.

I’M LOVING my dishwasher and garbage disposal. laugh it up. dinner cleanup last night lasted about 2 minutes – tops! – with the help of boo, of course.

I’M LOVING that i did laundry this afternoon and was able to do as many loads as i wanted and didn’t have to walk down to a musty basement to get to the washer/dryer!

I’M LOVING going to bed at night not hearing ambulance sirens and semi-trucks outside our bedroom window. don’t be deceived, we live IN the city, just not on a major highway anymore. i’m loving our silent nights (with the exception of a couple of kitty pitter-patters).

I’M LOVING my new color scheme for our master bedroom. i picked up a pretty throw and a couple of pillows at homegoods (thanks al) yesterday to coordinate with my white down comforter. i’m pleased so far. here’s what i’ve come up with:


i could go on and on, I’ll wrap it up by saying that I’M LOVING my husband for working today in this gross rainy weather just to bring home the bacon.

who wants to throw me a ‘welcome back to blogging’ party?


number 60

hi, my name is laura, and i have an addiction. i am addicted to INSPIRATION BOARDS. i cant get enough. in my future (and hopefully more frequent than the last half year) blog posts, you'll notice that i will use them quite often, and you'll find yourselves enjoying them as much as i do!

in anticipation of the upcoming holiday season, i've put together a couple of ensembles that, in my opinion, would be perfect for a holiday shindig.

behold... the inspiration boards:


you like? the first would be great for any holiday party, and i think i've got my heart set on the second for nye2011, which plans have yet to be determined. AND both dresses are under $55. i recently discovered lulus.com and i'm loving what i see!

and continuing the spirit of the holiday season, i'm sharing this little nugget:


apparently when you visit starbucks any time between 11.18-21 and buy a holiday drink, you’ll get one FREE! FREE! i plan on stopping in tomorrow to test it out (2 gingerbread lattes s'il vous plaĆ®t). if it's wrong, don't blame me. blame this site. there's no code, so i'm skeptical, but i'm not about to waste a potentially free snack.

update: i just found this which clarifies that the special is only from 2-5!

give it a try, and if it fails, at least you got a field trip to starbucks!


number 59

im so happy! my friends have blossomed into such wonderful bloggers! there are so many fun topics that i keep up with every day from everyone, it's really making me want to get back in the blogging biz. menu monday, what i'm loving wednesday, friday five. i love it!

secretly, i'm wanting to start blogging again because i'm obsessed with my current template, and would rather look at new exciting posts, rather than empty promises of posting something "really exciting VERY soon" when everyone knows i probably wont!

who knows? maybe later i'll post a what i'm loving wednesday. for now, i'm just checking out my new signature. muhaha.


number 58

just testing out the new template and changes! let’s hope this motivates me to post more… keep your fingers crossed!



number 57

ok ok! i dont even want to hear it! i know i've been HORRIBLE! it's been well over a month since my last blog, and that one was just a tease! i've been so busy with work the past few weeks and when the weekends haven't been filled with work as well, i've been lucky enough to spend some very quality time with my favorite girlfriends (more to come on that later).

who knew that it would take something so small (but very exciting nonetheless) for me to make a quick post?

evidently last summer (and the one before that...) the major staple in anyone and everyone's wardrobe was jack rogers sandles. me, being a little behind on the fashion trends, or maybe just slow to accept, was venturing on the interwebs for my own pair this past week. coincidentally i was surfing target's site for some spring flats as well when i stumbled on an undeniable lookalike. needless to say, i couldn't help myself. i'm all for the designer look without the designer price tag.

am i wrong? the price difference is about 80 bucks. don't be discouraged - it says "sold out" on the target website, but i was lucky enough to find them IN STOCK in MY SIZE at my local store! happy spring and happy bargain hunting!


number 56

im going to post soon, i promise. right now, my stomach is too full of outback and ice cream to function.



number 55

hey! look at me:


not to mention the fact that i designed the blog template! click the pic to read the fabulous article written by my sweet boss-lady!

andrew and i have had a wonderful valentine’s day weekend so far! (blog to come later) now excuse me while i go finish my #th glass of champagne…



number 54

i’m having an identity crisis. if you’re a regular blogger you see that i’ve changed my scheme about 3 times in the past week. the navy just wasn’t working for me. a blog template is like an outfit that you wear ALL the time!! it’s stressful to settle on a new one! haha. i felt the need to admit that yes, i have been a little fickle lately.

i’m fickle because the design on this background, the design of this blog, designed by me, is now a marketing tool. i’ve attempted recently to market myself as a designer and artist of sorts. in the past week, i’ve opened a business facebook account for lwdesigns, and have gotten a really great response so far! i’ve received a few blog template requests, lots of really sweet comments, and even a freelance design job offer from an old friend! i’m finally feeling like i’m where i need to be in my career. i admit, i fell a little bit behind for a while, but i’m coming back! and i’m feeling great about it!

i think a lot about careers and what path i was supposed to take in college, where i would be now had i chosen a different major and career. only because my best friends have such clearly defined occupations. i was talking to one of my best friends not too long ago about her upcoming practicum in nursing school and a new job beginning this week. she was on cloud nine! SO excited and anxious about the things she would see and learn, and finally being able to solve actual problems, really help people, and actually use the concepts that she’d worked so hard to learn so far in school. i have to say that i am overjoyed for her today, but i could’ve kicked myself because a part of me felt envious of her passion and excitement for her new adventure. my dad’s always told me that if you enjoy what you do, then you’ll never work a day in your life. i’ve struggled so hard in my years post-college trying to make that my life’s mission statement – trying to force it - opening doors only to close them weeks, months, or years later. 

i feel confident that i’m on the right track now. i’ve always considered myself a creative person. i like being the girl in the back on the computer - rather than the salesperson making commissions. that’s just me. i like to think that everyone has an identity crisis at one point or another. i’ve just been long overdue.

on a lighter note, i’ve got the day off tomorrow and plan on working on a new blog template for a client. thinking about making these as well: imageyum! the picture sells itself, and honestly, who doesn’t love cupcakes?

thanks for letting me ramble tonight. y’all are the best.



number 53

can we not talk about how many times i’ve been meaning to make a blog post? since the last time we’ve seen each other, i’ve been traveling cross-country (or just half way…), playing in the blizzards, laughing at the kitties, and working on some new designs.

1. andrew and i made it to arkansas just in time to get iced in! the weather did put a kink in some of our plans, but we still had a fun time catching up and sleeping in!DSC05182 DSC05195

2. i’ve gotten really addicted to several tv shows this season. namely because im trying to fill the void until gossip girl decides to come back. just to name a few: the bachelor, lost, and 30rock. ive never been a huge bachelor/bachelorette fan, but i decided to jump in when this year’s premier rolled around. basically, i spend my monday nights bashing vienna (ugh!) and my tuesday mornings reading this hilarious recap blog.

3. our cats have been making us laugh so much lately. actually, just annie.


4. we’ve been preparing for the 3RD snowstorm this winter. i think we’ve got enough diet coke and snack food to last us the weekend – and then some!

not too much to say, but i wanted to let y’all know that i am still here!



number 52

andrew and i have been steady packing our bags tonight! tomorrow, we’re heading south! for the first time in well over a year, we’re starting our trip to helena, arkansas, my hometown, to spend some much needed quality time with some of my favorite people in the whole world!! we’ll be leaving after work tomorrow, stopping midway to take a break and a snooze and drive the rest of the way thursday! i’m looking forward to 12 hours of very quality time with my speed-demon husband and the interstate food stops along the way! i’m sure i’ll have a long post after the weekend to fill y’all in on the southern fun!

Helena Bridge 1_1 untitled


number 51

would you buy us? just a few designs i’ve been working on in preparation for the upcoming holiday!








1 2 3 4 5

happy early valentines day! (3 weeks early!)  which one is your fav? please comment!!!



number 50

for my girlfriends:


like em? buy em!

happy 50th, ol blog!



number 49

i’ve been so bad. well, not on purpose. in my own defense, i had the intention of blogging last week, started the blog, took a little break, and closed my computer. later, i decided to restart my computer so it could install updates and WHOOPS! forgot to save the blog i had worked so hard on! i was feeling really sappy that evening and had been typing about how much i missed my friends, made a little (actually not so little) photo album, basically just feeling sorry for myself for not being able to be close to my girlfriends. maybe it was a good thing i lost the post! it wasn’t too upbeat to begin with! to sum up my lost post: i miss you girlfriends, and hope to see you SO soon :) much better!

anyway! what’s new:

  • if anyone saw my facebook status a few weeks ago, you'll see that i’ve decided to go back to school! despite my best efforts to take my brother’s place when he went to orientation, i’m only taking 1 class at the local community college! it’s pretty much an intro course to graphic design, just to get me into the swing of things, and getting familiar with adobe photoshop. we use it relatively often at work, and i’m hoping that my next class will be on adobe illustrator, which we use QUITE often at work. i’ve never had any formal training on either program before, so i’m looking forward to actually having some credentials!
  • andrew and i are planning a long weekend trip to visit family in arkansas at the end of the month!! i couldn’t be more excited! it’s been well over a year since my last trip to the delta and only andrew’s 2nd trip – ever!!  - notice all the exclamation points --- i really AM excited! we’ll be DRIVING down on a thursday and heading back monday. the best (ok, the only good) thing about driving is planning the trip around meal times and stopping in memphis just in time for dinner. the barbeque shop is a must-stop for anyone traveling through the area (or within a 100 mile radius). 2 words: barbeque bologna. yum! i am so excited for this LONG overdue trip.

that’s all i’ve got for now! not too much going on! i better post this quick before i do something crazy and lose all my hard work!!!

love y’all!



number 48

i just feel compelled to share these funny holiday pet moments.DSC05139 DSC05145 Christmas - Gabbie (2)DSC05159

HAPPY 2010!


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